Global Music Visions C.I.C. Updates September, October & November 2019

Things may have appeared quiet from us for a little while, but it has been busy the last few months. We have continued to deliver both 1 2 1, and group music workshops for people of all ages, made new connections, which will hopefully lead to new opportunities, and started work on our first audio book trial, with support from Ben Whyntie at The Old Blacksmiths Studios Portsmouth. Also we are supporting groups to create original songs for an upcoming project, which you will hear more about soon.

Included is a picture of Ben Whyntie and David Shervill sitting in front of the studio work surface with different plugin windows open on the screen, and speakers positioned at head height behind them. The shape of an Anvil is visible on the back wall.
A picture of David and Ben in the studio Control Room.
Included is a picture of Richard Miller narrating the audiobook in the studio. He is wearing headphones, and is standing in front of the Microphone holding his script. Old script is on the floor in front of him. There are three rectangular shaped acoustic treatment panels on the right side of the photo, positioned vertically across the wall. There are also panels on the ceiling above him.
A picture of Richard in the studio Live Room.

To find out more about The Old Blacksmiths Studios here is a link to the website: