Global Music Visions C.I.C. Inclusive Music Project At Toynbee School 22nd March – 28th June 2019

We have been working with the students at Toynbee School delivering music sessions along with Jim Chorley, as part of our Inclusive Music Project, supported by Music Fusion, and funded by Hampshire Music Education Hub. The group wrote lyrics, composed and recorded their own tracks over the duration of the project, and we are looking forward to working with the school again in the future.

Included is a picture of some of the group sitting on the bench outside in the school gardens smiling. At either side of the bench one of the members is holding an acoustic guitar upright by their side, whilst another is holding an electric guitar across their lap. Two other students are sitting between them; one of them is holding a tambourine. David and Jim are standing behind the bench next to the green bushes.
David and Jim with some of the group.

To find out more about Music Fusion and the services they offer, please use one of the links below:


Global Music Visions C.I.C. and Portsmouth College Music Workshop Collaboration 2nd May 2019

The GMV Music group had a great session with year 2 Music Technology students from Portsmouth College. They organised and facilitated an inclusive music workshop, as part of their course, at the Charles Dickens Centre, Lake Road Portsmouth. All members of the GMV group contributed to the recording session in some way, creating/using original material. They all had fun today.

Included is a picture of the group standing in a semi-circle posing for a funny photo, doing different actions and smiling for the camera after the session.
A picture of the group.

To find out more about Portsmouth College visit one of the links below:



Global Music Visions C.I.C. and Red Sauce Theatre Company work on a Rehearsal CD for “D-Day on your Doorstep” production 23rd April 2019.

We are pleased to be able to give the Red Sauce Theatre Company a first version of the backing track, ready for rehearsals for their upcoming production “D-Day on your Doorstep”.

Rachel Goodall from The Red Sauce Theatre Company, and David Shervill from Global Music Visions C.I.C. standing on the stage at the New Theatre Royal, with their backs to the brightly lit auditorium. David is handing the CDs and memory stick to Rachel ready for their rehearsals.
Rachel Goodall from The Red Sauce Theatre Company, and David Shervill from Global Music Visions C.I.C. at the New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth.

To find out more about The Red Sauce Theatre Company click on the link. Facebook:

We create digital music workshops with the visually impaired consultancy, for blind, visually impaired and disabled people of all ages.

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