Category Archives: Workshops

Global Music Visions C.I.C. Music Session for LMS UK Portsmouth Group 4th November 2020

We had a fun final music session before second lockdown, with the LMS UK Portsmouth Group, who have been working as a bubble together. With support from Jim Chorley, we worked on lyrics, and recorded group vocals for the song. The Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund, has made this and other sessions possible.

Here is a photo of the three participants standing behind a microphone, which has disposable covers over it. They are standing with distance between them, singing, and one of them is also holding a Maraca. They are all wearing headphones with disposable ear covers on.
A photo of the group.
A photo of David and Jim who are facing the camera, wearing face masks.
A photo of David and Jim.

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Global Music Visions C.I.C. Music Session 31st October 2020

It was a fun music session with the PKL Group today. We practiced and recorded some vocals, and new keyboard parts for the song. The Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund, has made this and other sessions possible.

a photo of two in the group, standing behind a keyboard and a microphone, with David, also standing a distance apart. All are facing the camera and wearing their facemasks.
a photo of two in the group with David.

To find out more about what we do and how we can help you, Contact Us
Follow Us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis

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Global Music Visions C.I.C. Updates July, August, and September 2020

We remain open and continue to work electronically through online platforms, facilitating sessions and attending meetings. We have completed our Inclusive Music Project 2020 with support from Music Fusion, and Jim Chorley. We are developing plans to move forward and are looking for more ways we can support the local and wider community safely.

To find out more about what we do and how we can help you, Contact Us
Follow Us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis

Global Music Visions C.I.C. Updates April, May, and June 2020

We have been spending the last few months working on projects, and having online and phone meetings where possible, with the GMV music group, and LMS UK songwriting groups. We have also been trying different ways to stay in contact with people, by offering general support and being an ear to people, where we can, whilst continuing to work on other projects remotely.

To find out more about what we do and how we can help you, Contact Us
Follow Us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis

Global Music Visions C.I.C. updates February and March 2020

With Toucan Diversity Training Ltd we facilitated some Visual Impairment Awareness training sessions for the staff and volunteers at the Mary Rose Museum. We have also completed some lyric writing and song composition sessions with Losing My Sight UK. The two groups now have a demo track each, which they will use for rehearsing to before having them recorded. The GMV Music group is continuing to work on their projects.

The GMV Music group of 4 is standing on the grass facing away from the camera. In front of them are green bushes. The group is recording ambient sounds. One person is standing holding a microphone out in front of them as another person to their right is holding the mic leads. Another member is standing behind them wearing headphones and listening to the sounds being recorded, watched by another person. David is standing in the middle of the group supporting with the recording. Sunlight is shining over the tops of houses in the background.
A photo of the group outside recording different sounds.

To find out more about what we do and how we can help you, Contact Us
Follow Us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis

Global Music Visions C.I.C. updates January and February 2020

We started the New Year with two new projects. First of all we worked with Rachel Goodall to create the backing track for her show called “Victory Day”. Also, with support from Music Fusion, we started another Inclusive Music Project at Toynbee School. We have also continued to facilitate 1to1 and small group music workshops.

Included is a picture of the group. One is sitting on a chair in front of a mic stand, listening to the recording. Another person is sitting at a table in front of the MIDI keyboard, also listening to the recording, whilst a third participant is sitting in front of a laptop monitoring the vocal mic levels, and adjusting when needed, supported by David.
A photo of the group during a workshop.

To find out more about what we do and how we can help you, Contact Us
Follow Us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis


Global Music Visions C.I.C. Updates December 2019

It has been another busy month. We completed the backing track for Rachel Goodall and her performance of her original show “The Shoes That Were Danced Through”. We are continuing to deliver group music workshops with the GMV Music Group, and we have also facilitated a taster session at Craneswater Junior School, which will hopefully lead to new opportunities, in the future. We are still working on our first audio book trial, alongside supporting two groups of adults to create original songs for an upcoming project, which you will hear more about soon.

Included is a photo of the group of five pupils. The laptop is open on the table in front of two of the pupils, and the MIDI keyboard is on the table in front of the other three pupils. David is crouching between the two groups of pupils.
Pupils at Craneswater Junior School enjoying a Taster Music Workshop.

To find out more about what we do and how we can help you, Contact Us
Follow Us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis