Global Music Visions C.I.C. Music Session, In Reach Activity Event 17th October 2023

Everyone had great fun today writing songs, and exploring sounds as part of an activity afternoon for pupils from different Key Stages. Thank you to Jim Chorley, and Sydney Hanson for their support with delivering these sessions.

David, Sydney, and Jim are all facing the camera sitting behind a long table. David has a laptop and speakers in front of him, Sydney and Jim have bubble wrap, a balloon pump, plastic bags, and other materials for creating sound FX, in front of them. Jim is also holding his acoustic guitar across his lap.
David Shervill, Sydney Hanson, and Jim Chorley getting ready for the session.

To find out more about what we do and how we can help you, Contact Us
Follow Us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis

Toucan Diversity Training CIC Visual Impairment Awareness Training 4th September 2023

We delivered a Disability Equality and Visual Impairment Awareness Training session today, along with Alex Foster. It was organised by Toucan Diversity Training CIC, and held at Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth.
David is standing beside the Toucan Pull up Banner, and is facing the camera.
David standing beside the Toucan Pull up Banner.

Find out more about Toucan Diversity Training CIC on the following links below:

Global Music Visions C.I.C. Music Workshops hosted by Edu-Cater Global, STEM Event Manchester 26th June 2023

We had great fun working with Edu-Cater Global facilitating music workshops at a STEM event in Manchester, as part of their Passions to Professions Programme. Thank you to Jim Chorley, the students involved, and all the teams who made the day a success.

Jim and David are standing side by side facing the camera, with a grey wall behind them.
Jim Chorley and David Shervill before the session starts.

To find out more about Edu-Cater Global please visit the following links:




Global Music Visions C.I.C. Inclusive Music Project January 2023 – March 2023

We have really enjoyed working with Pupils and Staff, facilitating Inclusive Music Workshops, and creating some wonderful learning resources. Thank you to Freelance Musician Jim Chorley, Music Fusion, and Hampshire Music Service for their support on this project.

Photo shows David Shervill and Jim Chorley facing the camera. They are each standing behind a microphone, with the music equipment and percussion instruments behind them.
David Shervill and Jim Chorley getting ready for the session.

To find out more about Music Fusion and the services they offer, please use one of the links below:

Toucan Diversity Training CIC Visual Impairment Awareness Training 16th January 2023

We enjoyed delivering a Disability Equality and Visual Impairment Awareness Training session today, alongside Ruben Carol, and Alex Foster. It was organised by Toucan Diversity Training CIC, and held at Gunwharf Quays Portsmouth.
David is standing beside the Toucan Pull up Banner, and is facing the camera. Key information on the banner reads: Goodbye Awkward, Hello Different by Toucan Diversity. There is a picture of The Spinnaker Tower and Gunwharf Quays in the background. The Contact Number is 07834885539.
David beside the Toucan Pull up Banner.

Find out more about Toucan Diversity Training CIC on the following links below:

Global Music Visions C.I.C. Inclusive Music Project 2022-2023, November and December 2022

It has been fun to be back in the school environments working with Pupils and Staff, facilitating Inclusive Music Workshops. We look forward to returning in January 2023. Thank you to Freelance Musician Jim Chorley, Music Fusion, and Hampshire Music Service for their support on this project so far.

Image Description shows David Shervill and Jim Chorley facing the camera standing in front of the music equipment in the music room. David is holding an acoustic guitar, and there are percussion instruments behind them.
David Shervill and Jim Chorley getting ready to start the session.

To find out more about Music Fusion and the services they offer, please use one of the links below:



Global Music Visions C.I.C. “A Time To Be” Project August – September 2022

We are proud to have supported with both the demo and final recordings for this piece of music. Thank you to the Old Blacksmiths Studios Portsmouth for working with us on a Final Mix and Master of the track. This piece of music will eventually accompany a photo show reel displaying family photos and shared memories.

Included is a picture of sound engineer Ben Whyntie, and musician and composer Paul Norton. They are standing in front of the studio workstation, with the music project open on the screen behind them. The shape of an Anvil is visible on the back wall.
Sound engineer Ben Whyntie, and musician and composer Paul Norton.

To find out more about what we do and how we can help you, Contact Us
Follow Us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis

We create digital music workshops with the visually impaired consultancy, for blind, visually impaired and disabled people of all ages.

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