In summer 2016 Toucan Diversity asked David Shervill, Founder of Global Music Visions C.I.C. to become a visual impairment awareness Trainer.
Toucan Diversity Training Ltd
is a not-for-profit organisation which provides equality and diversity training in order to promote social inclusion for the most disadvantaged groups of our society.
David is keen to help breakdown barriers surrounding disabilities by talking to people about what it is like to have a visual impairment, and how, with a little more understanding, they can have a positive effect on someone’s life, and look at other ways of creating equal opportunities for them. Amongst other things, he is a freelance trainer for Toucan Diversity and is currently working towards becoming accredited.
About David
David lives in Portsmouth and is the Founder of Global Music Visions C.I.C. He is registered as partially sighted, and has ocular albinism, nystagmus, with no 3D vision, so steps and kerbs are everyday obstacles for him. He went to mainstream school and was able to achieve his GCSEs, before attending mainstream college and achieving a BTEC Extended National Diploma in Music Technology.
To find out more about what David does, get in touch.
Find out more about Toucan Diversity