Category Archives: Workshops

Music Session at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth on 5th July 2018

It was great to be back with the group at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth. The theme today was “the seaside”. We also listened to music and played the percussion instruments.

A picture of David setting up the laptop and speakers on a table, ready for the session.
David setting up the laptop and speakers, ready to start the session.

To find out more about Minstead Trust, and their services in the Portsmouth and the New Forest areas, use the contact details below.



Phone: 023 8081 2297

Global Music Visions C.I.C. Music Workshop Taster Session, 19th April 2018.

It was an enjoyable music workshop, with an enthusiastic group of people. After a brief introduction to Music Technology equipment, the group engaged in using this equipment and real instruments to construct, play, and record music together, with support from the team at Global Music Visions C.I.C.

Thank you to everyone who supported this project, Southsea Green Fingers Project, Eastney Community Centre, Tesco Bags Of Help, and to the participants for making it so much fun.

A picture of the group recording and playing percussion instruments together. There are 4 people standing behind 2 microphones on stands, whilst one person is using a MIDI Keyboard, another person is sitting at the laptop monitoring the volume levels of the recording.
The group recording, playing keyboard, and percussion instruments.

To find out more about Southsea Green Fingers Project: 

Eastney Community Centre: 

Funded by Tesco Bags of Help

Tesco Bags Of Help Logo


Music Session at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth on 5th April 2018

We had another exciting afternoon of music with everyone at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth. It was great to see the group try new activities. It was loud, energetic, and most importantly fun.

A Picture of a participant playing the triangle, during the session.
A participant enjoying the session.
A picture of a participant playing the Bongo Drums, during the session.
Another participant enjoying the session.

To find out more about Minstead Trust, and their services in the Portsmouth and the New Forest areas, use the contact details below.



Phone: 023 8081 2297

Music Session at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth on 8th March 2018

It was a brilliant noisy afternoon of music at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth. Everyone joined in playing percussion instruments, and some in the group led parts of the session again. It was great to see how much the participants remembered from our last session, and their smiles showed they were having fun.

A picture of a participant playing tambourine.
A participant playing tambourine.
A picture of participants playing tambourine and maracas.
Participants playing tambourine and maracas.

To find out more about Minstead Trust, and their services in the Portsmouth and the New Forest areas, use the contact details below.



Phone: 023 8081 2297

Music Session at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth 8th February 2018

It was good to return to deliver another afternoon of music at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth, working with a group of people of all abilities. Everyone joined in playing percussion instruments, and some in the group led parts of the session too. They enjoyed moving to different types of music, and it was great to see everyone joining in with lots of enthusiasm.

Picture of David setting up the laptop and instruments, on the table for the session.
David setting up the equipment for the session.

To find out more about Minstead Trust, and their services in the Portsmouth and the New Forest area, use the contact details below.



Phone: 023 8081 2297

SoCo Music Project running The Arts Council England Bronze Arts Award at Toynbee School VI Unit Southampton 2017-2018

David and Jim have been facilitating music workshops to enable a group of VI and non-VI students to achieve the Arts Council England Bronze Arts Award.

David who his holding lyric sheets, and Jim who is playing acoustic guitar, singing along with the group to “Scoot Doggy Dog”.
David and Jim singing with the group

With additional support from the teaching staff, the students were able to complete their work using iPads, laptops, Braille Notes, pens and paper, and music equipment. The students were able to achieve the following objectives:

Participating in an Art form: The students wrote the lyrics and composed the music for a song, which was recorded by a fellow group member. This was then put on to a CD, for their evidence folders. David and Jim supported this.

One of the students, and David recording the group on to the laptop singing “Scoot Doggy Dog”.
One of the students, and David recording the group singing “Scoot Doggy Dog”.

Attending a music event: The School hosted a charity event, which some of the group attended. David and Jim also hosted a short event for the group in the VI Unit of the School.

Inspirational person, duo, or group/band: Group members chose someone to write, draw or talk about, who inspires them through the art of music.

Pass on a particular Arts Skill: This included demonstrating keyboard, guitar, drumming, and music technology skills to the group, and to Jim and David.

Here are some of the group singing and playing percussion instruments, during the session.
Some of the group singing and playing percussion instruments, during the session.

This project has been documented by the facilitators, through weekly written evaluations, staff at the school, through feedback, discussions, photo/video evidence, and quotes. The students, through their participation on the project, written quotes, question feedback sheets, and their evidence folders, and photo/ video captured.

To find out more about SoCo Music Project visit one of the links below.




Music Session at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth on 7th December 2017

We had another fun afternoon of music at Minstead Trust in Portsmouth, working with a group of people with all different abilities. Everyone joined in playing percussion instruments, and some in the group led parts of the session too. There was a real buzz of energy in the room, and everyone was in a festive mood at the end.

A picture of a participant playing tambourine along to the music.
A participant playing tambourine along to the music.

To find out more about Minstead Trust, and their services in the Portsmouth and the New Forest area, use the contact details below.



Phone: 023 8081 2297


SoCo Music Project at Southampton Sight 11th November 2017

David and Jim went to Southampton Sight to run a music workshop for a group of visually impaired young people. It was a group with quite a wide age range.

Here is a picture of some of the group playing the percussion instruments, and singing their song “My Friend Chic”.
Some of the group playing the percussion instruments, and singing their song “My Friend Chic”.

After a sing-along warm up, the group decided to compose a song about a teddy bear called Chic. Mind mapping their ideas onto paper gave the group the opportunity to think about and discuss what Chic might be like, what he would like to eat, things he liked to do, etc.

They wrote their own lyrics to the song using the ideas from the mind map. The song was called “My friend Chic”, and was inspired by a participant’s teddy bear.

They randomly chose some chords, which Jim used to create a tune on the acoustic guitar.

Using percussion instruments to play along with Jim, the group sang the lyrics they had written. The group also performed the song at the end of the session to friends, family, and staff members.

Everyone had an enjoyable time, according to the feedback received.

Here is a Picture of Chic the Teddy Bear.
Chic the Teddy Bear

To find out more about SoCo Music Project, visit the links below:




To find out more about Southampton Sight, and the services they offer, visit the links below:




Contact Number: 023 8076 9882