Global Music Visions C.I.C. Music Technology Workshop 1st December 2018

We had a great music workshop at the Charles Dickens Centre, Lake Road, Portsmouth. The participants continued to develop their song today, with additional support from musician Mike. The group now has a demo version of their song.

Included is a picture of the group, working on their song. One participant is playing the keyboard, whilst another to his right is sitting at the laptop recording the rest of the group, with support from David. Mike is playing guitar, which has a microphone in front of it, whilst two other members are listening to the recording that is being made, and thinking about the vocals. Everyone is wearing headphones.
Included is a picture of the group, working on their song.

If you would like to find out more: Contact Us 

Follow us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis 

Toucan Diversity Training Ltd. Visual Impairment Awareness Training 15th November 2018

Delivered a Disability Equality and Visual Impairment Awareness Training session today. Organised by Toucan Diversity Training Ltd, and held at Gunwharf Quays, the event was facilitated by Madissa Asgari MA, BA (Hons) and David Shervill, Founder of Global Music Visions C.I.C.

From left to right, David and Madissa are sitting at the end of the table, with the laptop open in front of them.
David and Madissa getting ready to deliver the session.

Find out more about Toucan Diversity Training Ltd




Phone: 07834 885539

The “Re-Birth” Project Audio creation and recording September-October 2018

We were asked by Artist Clarke Reynolds to create the soundtrack for use during his residency within Aspex Gallery in Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth. We created the Soundscape, for his “Re-Birth” Project.

Included is a picture of David handing the recording to Clarke at the Aspex Gallery. They have the Exhibition behind them, which has different colour fabrics on the floor, including red and orange, representing different parts of the Exhibition.
David handing the recording to Clarke at the Aspex Gallery.

The purpose of the Exhibition is to show the public that a visually impaired artist can be creative, and to educate through using sound within art.

Clarke’s residency begins on 26th October until 25th November 2018. The Gallery is open 11am-4pm, Wednesday-Sunday. People are welcome to come and experience this project for themselves.

To find out more please contact Clarke Reynolds via the following: Email:

 Instagram: clarke_reynolds_1981

Contact Number: 07432242834


Global Music Visions C.I.C. Music Technology Workshop 20th October 2018

We had another music workshop today at the Charles Dickens Centre, Lake Road, Portsmouth. The focus of the session today was music technology, and the group was able to start to lay the foundations for their own project ideas.

Included is a picture of 2 participants working with David on the laptop and keyboard, whilst another participant is watching and listening to the discussion.
Included is a picture of 2 participants working with David on the laptop and keyboard, whilst another participant is watching and listening to the discussion.
Included is a picture of David working with a participant on the laptop.
Included is a picture of David working with a participant on the laptop.

If you are interested to find out more Contact Us 

Follow us on Twitter: @GlobalMusicVis 

We create digital music workshops with the visually impaired consultancy, for blind, visually impaired and disabled people of all ages.

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