SoCo Sonic Explorers Project at Toynbee School February 2016-April 2017

For the last 14 months Global Music Visions C.I.C. has been working with SoCo Music Project, as part of the Sonic Explorers Project, funded by Youth Music. We have been working with visually impaired pupils from different year groups at Toynbee School, in Chandler’s Ford. These weekly after school sessions have encouraged the pupils to express themselves through music, build friendships and have fun.

Members of the group with Jim and David, having a group photo in the playground, for the CD cover.
Group picture for the CD cover.

Activities have included working as a group, and as individuals to write lyrics and compose music, record and edit their work using a combination of computer music software and real instruments. One of the songs was composed and recorded when they visited Hightown Studio for the day. All had great fun.

Members of the group recording and singing their songs together.
Members of the group working together recording one of their songs.

The project culminated in the production of an 11-track album on CD, which was a mixture of both group and individual songs. They were each presented with a copy of the CD to take away at the final session. It was our way as a team to say thank you to everyone who had taken part on this project, and the hard work that had been undertaken by all who attended.

One of the group members using the keyboard, to compose and record his track, on to the laptop.
A member of the group composing and recording his track.

Bringing together pupils from different year groups with different abilities has enabled the development of social skills within the group, and increased individual self-confidence. It has been great being able to see these students develop positively throughout this project. Thank you for making us feel so welcome, and for your lovely gifts.

David holding a framed CD, given to the team, by the group, to say thank you.
Framed CD given by the group

To find out more about SoCo Music Project visit their website:
Twitter: @socomusic


Toucan Diversity Training Ltd, Disability Equality and Inclusive Practice Training, 23rd February 2017

Today was another good session, hosted by Toucan Diversity Training Ltd, at Gunwharf Quays Portsmouth.

Our Founder, David Shervill spoke about his own visual impairments, and gave practical tips and strategies, to support the inclusion of individuals with visual and communication needs.

Maddisa Asgari MA, BA (Hons) spoke about the history and modals of disability, Etiquette and Language, and real life scenarios.

Toucan Diversity Training Ltd Event poster

To find out more about Toucan Diversity Training Ltd, you can contact them via:

Twitter: @ToucanDiversity
Phone: 07834885539


The Conan Doyle Exhibition Audio Description Of Artifacts 17th January 2017

The Conan Doyle Exhibition recording session 17.01.17
Image of Richard wearing headphones, reading the script into a microphone, in the recording studio.

Global Music Visions C.I.C. and the Conan Doyle Collection officers met in the Charles Dickens Centre, Lake Road, Portsmouth. We were there to record another session of audio description, narrated by Richard a volunteer from the Portsmouth Central Library. These describe images in detail contained within sixteen panels from the Arthur Conan Doyle Collection. The information on each panel will be read out using a pen friend, or other hand held device. This will enable sighted and visually impaired persons to have equal access to the artifacts within this portable exhibition.

The Conan Doyle Exhibition audio description 17.01.17
Image of David using the computer to record the scripts, for the audio description.


Toucan Diversity Training Ltd Visual Impairment Awareness Training 23rd February 2017

This Event is being held at Gunwharf Quays, Gunwharf Quays House, Portsmouth, PO1 3TZ, 10:30am to 1:30pm. This event  is organised by Toucan Diversity Training Ltd, and facilitated by Madissa Asgari MA, BA (Hons) and David Shervill, Founder of Global Music Visions C.I.C.

Topics covered include: History and Models of Disability, the Equality Act 2010, Understanding Visual Impairment, and how to promote inclusive practice around visual and communication needs.

Toucan Diversity Training Ltd training session
Promotional Poster for event.

Session Outcomes Include: Understanding the value of the Social Model of Disability, be confident in communicating with disabled people, the use of correct language and etiquette, and be able to promote effective inclusion.

Find out more about Toucan Diversity Training Ltd



Phone: 07834885539

Inspiring Enterprise Project Launch 23rd November 2016

Thank you to Action Hampshire for inviting David along to speak at the Inspiring Enterprise Event at Farnham Maltings, Bridge Square, Farnham. David spoke about how he came up with the idea for Global Music Visions C.I.C and the support he received whilst developing it into a Social Enterprise.

Inspiring Enterprise Project 23.11.16
David talking to  Inspiring Enterprise partners at the event.

To find out more about the Inspiring Enterprise Project visit


Toucan Diversity Training Ltd visual impairment awareness training

Tuesday 18th October 2016, our Founder David gave a talk organised as part of a training workshop facilitated by Toucan Diversity Training Ltd. He spoke about his life being visually impaired, the obstacles around daily living, and how he has learnt to cope. David also suggested ways in which society could make services and communities accessible to someone who is visually impaired.

Visual Impairment Awareness Training 18th October 2016
Picture of David delivering his presentation to the group.

There were two other key speakers: Madissa Asgari is Toucan Diversity’s principle trainer. She spoke about Disability Equality, which includes topics such as the history of Disability, the Models(theories) of Disability and etiquette and language. Madissa also talked about her experiences of having a physical disability.

Emily Dewey spoke about her life being on the Autism Spectrum, sharing her experiences of what it was like for her growing up. She spoke about what coping methods she has learnt, especially when dealing with unexpected changes in her daily routine.

To find out more about Toucan Diversity Training Ltd:


Facebook: Toucan.Diversity Training Ltd

Phone: 07834885539

Meeting with a new group in Havant on 5th October 2016

We had a good morning with Solent Active Visually Impaired Group, in Havant.
Current members are from, Waterlooville, Portsmouth, Havant, Emsworth, and Hayling Island. They travel together on public transport to help them all gain more confidence and independence. The group meet up once a month and arrange fun days out, and they offer peer support to those of working age, who have a visual impairment.

Solent Active VI Group Meeting
A picture of the group sharing ideas for a future project.

Disability Equality Training and Inclusive Practice Training

Tuesday 18th October 2016, Portsmouth Guildhall, 10am – 2:30pm This Event displayed in the poster below is organised by Toucan Diversity Training Ltd.

Topics covered include: History and Models of Disability, the Equality Act 2010, Understanding Autism and Visual Impairment, and to promote inclusive practice around visual and communication needs.

Toucan Diversity Training Disability Equality Training and Inclusive Practice Training

Session Outcomes Include: Understanding the value of the Social Model of Disability, be confident in communicating with disabled people, the use of correct language and etiquette, and be able to promote effective inclusion.

Find out more about Toucan Diversity Training Ltd



Phone: 07834885539

Toucan Diversity choose David Shervill as Visual Impairment Practitioner

In summer 2016 Toucan Diversity asked David Shervill, Founder of Global Music Visions C.I.C. to become a visual impairment awareness Trainer.

Toucan Diversity Training LtdThe logo of Toucan Diversity is a not-for-profit organisation which provides equality and diversity training in order to promote social inclusion for the most disadvantaged groups of our society.

David is keen to help breakdown barriers surrounding disabilities by talking to people about what it is like to have a visual impairment, and how, with a little more understanding, they can have a positive effect on someone’s life, and look at other ways of creating equal opportunities for them. Amongst other things, he is a freelance trainer for Toucan Diversity and is currently working towards becoming accredited.

About David

David Shervill VI PractitionerDavid lives in Portsmouth and is the Founder of Global Music Visions C.I.C. He is registered as partially sighted, and has ocular albinism, nystagmus, with no 3D vision, so steps and kerbs are everyday obstacles for him. He went to mainstream school and was able to achieve his GCSEs, before attending mainstream college and achieving a BTEC Extended National Diploma in Music Technology.

To find out more about what David does, get in touch.

Find out more about Toucan Diversity




We create digital music workshops with the visually impaired consultancy, for blind, visually impaired and disabled people of all ages.

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